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Momentum Physical Therapy, LLC builds relationships with each and every patient as though they are family.  We offer special programs that are not found anywhere else.  These programs include:


What is LSVT BIG for patients with Parkinson's disease?

Recently principles of LSVT LOUD® were applied to limb movement in people with Parkinson disease (LSVT BIG®) and have been documented to be effective in the short term. Specifically, training increased amplitude of limb and body movement (Bigness) in people with Parkinson disease has documented improvements in amplitude (trunk rotation/gait) that generalized to improved speed (upper/lower limbs), balance, and quality of life. In addition, people were able to maintain these improvements when challenged with a dual task.

LSVT BIG is administered in 16 sessions over a single month (four individual 60 minute sessions per week). This protocol was developed specifically to address the unique movement impairments for people with Parkinson disease. The protocol is both intensive and complex, with many repetitions of core movements that are used in daily living. This type of practice is necessary to optimize learning and carryover of your better movement into everyday life!

Start exercising NOW – as soon as possible. Physicians rarely refer their patients to health and fitness programs at diagnosis because medications are very effective early on at alleviating most of the symptoms, and patients experience little change in function. Yet, according to a recent survey it is at the time of diagnosis that patients often begin to consider lifestyle changes and seek education about conventional and complementary/alternative treatment options. Thus referrals to exercise, wellness programs and physical/occupational therapy would be best initiated at diagnosis, when it may have the most impact on quality of life.





What is ASTYM?

Astym® treatment is regenerative soft tissue therapy which successfully resolves many difficult conditions, including chronic tendinopathies and movement restrictions/pain resulting from scar tissue. The Astym® process is non-invasive, has a short treatment course, and it is reliable and safe. The effectiveness and quality of Astym® treatment has been achieved through its groundbreaking scientific and clinical research, and the dedication of the Astym® researchers, clinical partners, and staff.

Astym® treatment safely, effectively and efficiently stimulates scar tissue to be reabsorbed by the body and regenerates damaged soft tissues. It is clearly superior in chronic conditions such as plantar fasciopathy, lateral epicondylopathy, chronic hamstring or groin injuries, tendinopathies and post-traumatic/post-surgical scarring — even when nothing else seems to work. It is also very effective on sprains, strains, and other acute and sub-acute soft tissue injuries. Some of the more common diagnoses that have demonstrated excellent clinical results when treated with the Astym® approach are:

General Conditions

  • Chronic tendinopathy

  • Joint and muscle stiffness

  • Pain and stiffness associated with early degenerative joint disease

Specific Conditions

  • Achilles Tendinopathy

  • Anterior and Posterior Tibialis Tendinopathy

  • Arthrofibrosis

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Chronic Ankle Pain and Stiffness

  • Chronic Wrist Pain and Stiffness

  • DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis

  • Golfer’s Elbow

  • Hamstring Strain

  • IT Band Syndrome

  • Jumper’s Knee

  • Lateral Epicondylopathy

  • Low Back Pain (nonradicular)

  • Medial Epicondylopathy

  • Patellar Tendinopathy

  • Plantar Fasciopathy

  • Post-Mastectomy Scarring

  • Post-Surgical Scarring/Fibrosis

  • Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

  • Scar Tissue/Fibrosis

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Trochenteric Bursitis



Physical Therapy in Gillette, WY
Physical Therapy in Gillette, WY
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